All content (including text, photographs, and design work) is © Shelly Kuck.
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Monday, July 07, 2008

Cherry Pie & a Card

TLC176 Just Rite Suspended_SaK 


The cherry tree produced a bumper crop this year and we are busy picking, baking and sharing.  Well, I have a photo of the cherries but not a pie this morning.  The pies are gobbled up or given away before I ever get a chance. My suspension card uses my new Just Rite monogrammer.  I have been making pies with a crumb topping and giving them to neighbors, family and friends.  Yum!  This 4 1/4" square card will go to a neighbor telling them to come over and pick some.  You are welcome to swing by and pick them too.  We are even letting the birds have their share this year....


  1. Yummy!!!!
    I love cherries!! I bet your fingers are stained--with something besides ink--LOL!
    I sure hope the neighbor dons some clothes before cherry picking! (wait, that didn't sound right)

    Beautiful card! So perfectly coordinated!! Now, If I could just dress like that!

  2. great card, wish I lived by you... I paid $13 for 3lbs. of cherries... YIKES!

  3. If I lived anywhere near you I would be there for a visit and some cherries. What a lovely gift to friends, neighbors and nature. Wonderful

  4. Oh, I wish I was your neighbor! :)

  5. I wish I were your neighbor. I remember one week end, while living in IL, driving to MI and buying about 24 pounds of pitted cherries, a couple crates of raspberries, and 10 pounds of bing cherries. We shared the fruit with family members. Later that year, we moved to East Grand Rapids for 8months. Loved the area.


Thanks for stopping & telling me what you think!